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- /* Defines for externe DSP-Modules */
- #include <aes.h>
- typedef unsigned int HDIALOG;
- #define DSP1_0 8388607L
- #define DSP0_5 4194304L
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- /*----------------------------------------------------
- Send info about module to DigiTape:
- void dtm_init( Module_info *dtm_info,
- void *rsc, Rsc_info *rsc_info )
- -----------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dtm_init(dtm_info, rsc, rsc_info)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_dtm_init))(dtm_info, rsc, rsc_info)
- /*------------------------------------------------------
- Send info about sliders:
- int dtm_init_poti(void *vglob, int potinr,
- int type, int parent, int slider, int value)
- --------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dtm_init_poti(vglob, potinr, type, parent, slider, value)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_dtm_init_poti))(vglob, potinr, type, parent, slider, value)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- get value from the logarithm table:
- value: 0 to 256
- return: 0 to 1 in DSP format (0 to DSP1_0)
- long *log_tab_entry( int wert )
- -----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define log_tab_entry(w) (*(glob->mh.sys->_log_tab_entry))(w)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- get value (0...max) from RSC slider:
- normalised to max (maximum 24 Bit )
- flag vertikal: TRUE if slider 0-position is down Position
- long get_rsc_pegel( int f_size, int s_size, int s_posi, long max,
- int vertikal )
- -----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define get_rsc_pegel( f_s, s_s, s_p, max, vert )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_get_rsc_pegel))( f_s, s_s, s_p, max, vert )
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- sets volume for one line (depending on Pan):
- button: TRUE if line is on
- vol: 0 ... 255
- line_nr: wich line
- void set_line_volume( int button, int vol, int line_nr )
- -----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define set_line_volume( button, vol, line_nr )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_set_line_volume))( button, vol, line_nr )
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- sets panorama for one line (depending on volume):
- button: TRUE if line is on
- pan: 0 ... 255
- line_nr: wich line
- void set_line_panorama( int button, int pan, int line_nr )
- -----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define set_line_panorama( button, pan, line_nr )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_set_line_panorama))( button, pan, line_nr )
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- change ob_state:
- if mask == 0 just ask
- set: -1 toggle, FALSE clear, TRUE set
- hdialog: dialog handle
- item: object index
- return: old state
- int DialogState(HDIALOG hdialog, int item, int set, int maske)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define DialogState(hd, item, set, maske)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_DialogState))(hd, item, set, maske)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- change ob_flags
- if mask == 0 just ask
- set: -1 toggle, FALSE clear, TRUE set
- hdialog: dialog handle
- item: object index
- return: old ob_flags
- int DialogFlags(HDIALOG hdialog, int item, int set, int maske)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define DialogFlags(hd, item, set, maske)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_DialogFlags))(hd, item, set, maske)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- Like 'printf' for GEM-objects:
- return: see printf
- int DialogPrintf(HDIALOG hdialog, int item, LPSTR format, ...)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define DialogPrintf (*(glob->mh.sys->_DialogPrintf))
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- draw object
- void draw_object( OBJECT *obj, int item )
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define draw_object( obj, item )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_draw_object))( obj, item )
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- like in GEM
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define object_find( baum, anf_obj, tiefe, x, y )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_object_find))( baum, anf_obj, tiefe, x, y )
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- set variable 'var' with size 'size' in DSP-Memory ('memtype': 'X' or 'Y')
- void dm_setvar(int memtype, int var, long *value, int size)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dm_setvar( memtype, var, value, size)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_dm_setvar))( memtype, var, value, size)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- reserve space for variable with size 'size' in DSP-Memory
- ('memtype': 'X' or 'Y')
- return: address, 0 == error
- int dm_defvar(int typ, int adrsize, int size)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dm_defvar(typ, adrsize, size)\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_dm_defvar))(typ, adrsize, size)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- link module 'modul' to DSP
- adresses and constants can be set with
- following parameters i.e. ADDER_QUELLE, 0x3c, ...
- last parameter has to be < 0
- return: module handle or error (<0)
- int cdecl dm_load(void *vmodul, ...)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dm_load (*(glob->mh.sys->_dm_load))
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- set block in DSP memory to value 'val'
- 'memtyp': 'X' oder 'Y'
- void dsp_setblock( int memtyp, int adr, long val, int size)
- ---------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define dsp_setblock( memtyp, adr, wert, size )\
- (*(glob->mh.sys->_dsp_setblock))( memtyp, adr, wert, size )